WATCH: '˜Get yersel' away' Queen's guard soldier yells at dancing tourist

The male tourist dances in comic fashion before a Scots guardsmen makes him think again. (Photo: lokirna md45/YouTube)The male tourist dances in comic fashion before a Scots guardsmen makes him think again. (Photo: lokirna md45/YouTube)
The male tourist dances in comic fashion before a Scots guardsmen makes him think again. (Photo: lokirna md45/YouTube)
A video showing a Queen's guard soldier yelling in a broad Scots dialect at a dancing tourist outside London's St James's Palace has proved to be a big hit online.

The clip, which has been viewed over 125,000 times on YouTube since the end of January, begins with a male tourist dancing solo outside the gates to St James’s Palace, which is guarded by two uniformed soldiers wearing bearskin hats.

Seventeen seconds in and one of the uniformed guards abruptly stomps his left foot on the ground, at which point the startled tourist ceases to dance.

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The guard then turns towards the tourist and proceeds to shout rather loudly: “Ho! Get yersel’ away! Ye came here and done this yesterday an’ a’; do wan!”.

He then instructs the tourist to, “turn the camera aff,” before the video comes to an end.

The nationality of the male tourist is not known, though the couple appear to speak in French as the video draws to a close.

One YouTube user wrote: “Even delivered in broad Scots, I think he got the idea! Nice one laddie. Respect the Guards!”

Another person mused: “Those Guards are the first line of defence for the Crown and they see thousands of very strange people haunting London every year.”

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