Great news after missing children aged 11-years and 13-years are found - PSNI thank public for their assistance

missing Eireann Ruddy - PSNImissing Eireann Ruddy - PSNI
missing Eireann Ruddy - PSNI
Police have thanked the public for their assistance in locating the whereabouts of missing 13-year-old, Eireann Ruddy and missing 11-year-old, Paul Price.

A post on Police North Belfast said: “Tennent Street LPT officers wish to thank everyone who assisted us in the search for missing juveniles Eireann Ruddy and Paul Rice.

“Both have now been located and are presently being well looked after. Thanks again for your assistance.”

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Last night police voiced increasing concern for the pair who were last seen on Crumlin Road, Belfast, close to Twadell Avenue - at around 10:15am.

Missing Paul Price - PSNIMissing Paul Price - PSNI
Missing Paul Price - PSNI

According to a post on Police North Belfast, Eireann is 4 foot 10 inches tall, of a slim build with dirty fair hair.

“She is wearing a blue hooded top with bold white writing on the front and white drawstrings,” adds the appeal. “She is wearing black combat style trousers and white nike Airforce trainers.”

The post adds that Paul is 4 foot 6 inches tall, of a slight build with short brown hair.

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“He is believed to be wearing a black North Face coat, black tracksuit bottoms and black trainers,” adds the PSNI appeal.

“He is carrying a Hugo Boss backpack.

“If you know where Eireann and Paul are, or believe that you have seen them, please call Police on 101 and quote serial 785 of 11/10/20.

“Please feel free to share this post so that we can get Eireann and Paul back to their families as quickly as possible.”


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