Sinn Fein says DUP ‘is ignoring the pros of the Protocol’

Press Eye - Belfast - Northern Ireland - 1st February 2021

General view of Larne Port in Co. AntrimPress Eye - Belfast - Northern Ireland - 1st February 2021

General view of Larne Port in Co. Antrim
Press Eye - Belfast - Northern Ireland - 1st February 2021 General view of Larne Port in Co. Antrim
Sinn Fein has both pledged to block efforts by Edwin Poots to bring the protocol before the Executive, and accused the DUP of ignoring the plus-side of the protocol.

Sinn Fein MLA Caoimhe Archibald made the comments yesterday, as the furore from the fallout of the Unionist Voice report continued.

She said: “Over recent months a number of businesses have taken advantage of the north’s special status under the protocol of continued access to both the EU single market and the British market.

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“This has seen new investment and expansion with new jobs created as a result.

“Businesses have cited the protocol and the ability to access the EU single market along with well developed local supply chains which have helped them to avoid the supply problems created by Brexit.

“The most recent example is the Henderson Group which has expanded over the past year and has further plans to do so.”

The Henderson Group owns Spar, and its sales boss Paddy Doody was quoted in media reports yesterday as saying: “Our long-term local sourcing strategy has allowed us to take a strong advantage against the multiples who are suffering with delays and shortages due to the NI Protocol.”

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Ms Archibald added: “We need to see action to put in place a strategy to take advantage of the protections of the protocol and the north’s continued access to the EU single market along with growing all-island trade, to create more jobs and investment across the island.”

It came after John Finucane, North Belfast’s SF MP, pledged to try and stop the DUP from forcing the 12-minister Stormont Executive from debating and making a decision on whether to stop implementing the protocol.

“Sinn Fein will not acquiesce or indulge any attempt to disregard the rule of law, to allow ministers to escape their statutory obligations,” he said.

“I think people see this for what it is, and Sinn Fein will have no part of it.”

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