Michelle O’Neill refuses to answer News Letter question on her damaged credibility

Michelle O’Neill during this evening's Stormont press conferenceMichelle O’Neill during this evening's Stormont press conference
Michelle O’Neill during this evening's Stormont press conference
Michelle O’Neill remained silent when asked by the News Letter why the public should listen to her latest instructions on pandemic restrictions when she so openly breached her own Executive’s advice.

Yesterday the News Letter was allowed by the Executive to ask a question of the first and deputy first ministers for the first time since Ms O’Neill attended the mass funeral of IRA leader Bobby Storey.

Ms O’Neill has said she will never apologise for attending the funeral and has steadfastly refused to do so, despite belatedly accepting that the controversy around the funeral – though not the funeral itself – undermined the public health message.

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When asked if she felt any personal responsibility to issue an unequivocal public apology so that she can start to rebuild her credibility to deliver public health messages, she said: “My only focus right now is on the place where we are today. I’ve said previously on numerous occasions that I accept responsibility if the public health message was in any way damaged.

“That was never my intention. What we have to be focused on right now in the here and now is that we have a rising rate of coronavirus ... we have a job to do to lead us through this pandemic ... that’s where my energy’s completely focused.”

When asked why – as someone who sees all the evidence and knows how deadly the virus is – the public should listen to her message when she did not listen to it herself, Ms O’Neill simply stood silently ignoring the question and then moved on to the next journalist.

Yesterday ministers did not – as had been anticipated – bring in an early closing time for pubs. First Minister Arlene Foster said that the issue would be looked at again next week and there was unity in the Executive on addressing the issue but it had to be done when all the guidance and legislation was in place.

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Mrs Foster declined to criticise her Westminster chief whip Sammy Wilson for being pictured on the Tube in London without a mask. She simply said that everyone must be equal under the law.

When asked by the News Letter if she was now too weak as DUP leader to discipline Mr Wilson, regardless of what he does, she denied that, saying: “I am not a weak leader. I am a leader that’s leading this country through a very difficult time ...”

Mrs Foster said she was disappointed that no one had asked her about a decision which she announced at the press conference to bring back certain cancer services which had been impacted by the pandemic.

You can meet a friend in the pub, says Foster

Arlene Foster has clarified that it is entirely within Stormont’s rules and guidance for an individual to arrange to meet a friend at a pub, cafe or restaurant.

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The latest Executive restrictions – which earlier this week were extended to all of Northern Ireland – stop visits to people’s houses unless exemptions apply, but allow people to visit many commercial businesses.

However, it was unclear if individuals should arrange to meet others in hospitality venues.

Mrs Foster said that was acceptable because bars were safer for mixing than homes.

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