Somme commemoration parade calls for 'dignity, respect and gratitude' for the fallen

A Somme commemoration Parade passing  through east Belfast. Photo: PacemakerA Somme commemoration Parade passing  through east Belfast. Photo: Pacemaker
A Somme commemoration Parade passing through east Belfast. Photo: Pacemaker
​More than 30 bands, Orange lodges and thousands of spectators will once again mark the Somme sacrifice in east Belfast on July 1.

The annual parade is held in memory of the thousands of Ulstermen who fought in one of the bloodiest battles of World War One – with around 2,000 killed and more than 3,000 wounded.

Against ferocious opposition, the 36th (Ulster) Division was one of the few British units to achieve its objective on July 1, 1916 – taking and holding the heavily defended Schwaben Redoubt – before being ordered to retreat back to the main line.

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A parade in their honour has been held in east Belfast every year since the war ended.

Thousands of families were bereaved as a result of the Somme casualties alone, with none suffering more that the Hobbs family from Lurgan.

One week after the battle Deborah Hobbs, the mother of four sons, received a telegram stating that three of her sons had been killed on July 1, with the fourth son, Herbert, missing presumed dead.

It was later discovered that Herbert had been seriously wounded but was alive and eventually returned home to Co Armagh, however, it was reported that Mrs Hobbs never fully recovered from the shock.

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​Ahead of this year’s parade, Ballymacarrett District LOL No 6 has asked everyone involved or attending to do so in “remembrance” and with “dignity, respect, and gratitude.”

In a message on social media, a spokesperson said the event is taking place “in memory of those who left these shores, and especially those from the Ballymacarrett area, who paid the ultimate sacrifice at the Battle of the Somme 1 July 1916.”

The parade is due to set off from Templemore Avenue at 7.30pm, making its way along the Albertbridge, Ravenhill and Castlereagh roads, before returning to Templemore Avenue via the Upper Newtownards Road, Belmont Road, Holywood Road.

Other Somme commemorations are taking place around Northern Ireland on Monday, including a wreath-laying at Portadown’s war memorial at 7.30am, and a memorial service at the Garden of Remembrance in the grounds of Belfast City Hall at 11.15am, following a special meeting of Belfast City Council.

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