Nigel is still cycling after 500 days of lockdown, raising funds for good causes in Africa

Nigel Quinn in the saddle near where he lives, south of Belfast, as he has been for 500 consecutive days.
Picture by Arthur Allison/Pacemaker PressNigel Quinn in the saddle near where he lives, south of Belfast, as he has been for 500 consecutive days.
Picture by Arthur Allison/Pacemaker Press
Nigel Quinn in the saddle near where he lives, south of Belfast, as he has been for 500 consecutive days. Picture by Arthur Allison/Pacemaker Press
Nigel Quinn turned 64 on Thursday, which was the 500th day that he cycled in lockdown.

Nigel, a former barrister, has cycled the equivalent of half way round the circumference of the world, 13,000 miles — and not, as we reported on Thursday due to a slight editorial mix-up, a mere 500 miles!

On March 23 last year, Boris Johnson, told the nation to stay at home, unless exercising or carrying out essential business. The next day, Nigel decided to stay within the spirit and the letter of the new restrictions, by cycling every day of the new lockdown.

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In some shape or form there have been Covid-related controls on human behaviour from then until now, hence why Nigel’s cycling is still continuing.

A member of St Patrick’s Church of Ireland, Drumbeg, near his home south of Belfast, Nigel has raised £10,000 for good works being done by an Anglican church in north Africa that he visited shortly before the world began to shut down, in response to the pandemic.

“I spent a month in Egypt working among the asylum seeker and refugee community,” recalls Nigel. “Sadly some of these people find themselves on the wrong side of the law; sometimes for simply not having a visa. In prison conditions are tough.”

No matter the weather, Nigel has not missed a day’s cycling. At a time in June when restrictions were eased he was able to travel to a funeral in England, but got up at 4am to cycle before his departure, and was back in Northern Ireland and on the saddle the next day.

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It was only by chance that his 500th bicycle outing fell on his birthday.

Last year Nigel, who has run the Belfast marathon 19 times, including a personal best of 2 hours 34 mins, compensated for the cancellation of the 2020 run by cycling the equivalent distance, 26.2 miles, on the day of the abandoned event, then walking that distance around his home (570 circuits). That time he raised almost £12,000 for a school and community project in a Uganda village, which Drumbeg parish church also backs.

To donate to the lockdown Egypt project, visit Nigel Quinn’s JustGiving page, ‘Pedalling through the Pandemic’: ——— ———A message from the Editor:Thank you for reading this story on our website. While I have your attention, I also have an important request to make of you.With the coronavirus lockdown having a major impact on many of our advertisers — and consequently the revenue we receive — we are more reliant than ever on you taking out a digital subscription.Subscribe to and enjoy unlimited access to the best Northern Ireland and UK news and information online and on our app. With a digital subscription, you can read more than 5 articles, see fewer ads, enjoy faster load times, and get access to exclusive newsletters and content. Visit now to sign up.

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Ben Lowry

Acting Editor