NI student completes marathon challenge to help stop slavery and human trafficking

Oliver Hamilton, a student in Belfast, ran four marathons in JanuaryOliver Hamilton, a student in Belfast, ran four marathons in January
Oliver Hamilton, a student in Belfast, ran four marathons in January
A Queen’s University student with no experience of running marathons has completed four in a month to help stop slavery and human trafficking around the world.

Law student Oliver Hamilton ran a marathon every week in January, smashing his fundraising target for International Justice Mission (IJM).

The 20-year-old was shocked when he first learned about the vast scale of slavery today: “Over 40 million people are trapped in slavery globally, and a quarter of these are children.

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“After learning about IJM’s work to work with police to find and free people around the world I was moved to raise both funds and awareness to help this vital work.

“By running the equivalent of a marathon each week and over 100 miles in the month of January I am seeking to raise money to practically help this work.

“I am committed to doing what I can to end modern slavery and human trafficking in our lifetime.”

Despite the gruelling training regime, which involved running almost every day of the week, the second year student said he has found the process rewarding.

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He said he has been ‘blown away’ by the generosity of contributors to his Just Giving page, which has already far exceeded his initial target of £2,000 and saw him named as one of the top 5% of Just Giving pages in January.

He was also delighted when Queen’s University Law Society chose to take up IJM as their monthly charity for fundraising, taking on the ‘Run 5, Nominate 5’ social media challenge amongst members.

Oliver, a former pupil of Bangor Grammar School, said: “It’s been amazing to see the generosity of people contributing to this fundraiser.

“The money raised will help secure a future safe from trafficking, for children in Ghana and beyond – which is a really encouraging thought.”

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IJM works with local authorities around the world to free people from slavery and violence and restore them to safety and strength, as well as bringing perpetrators to justice and creating a safer future for all..

In 2020 IJM Ghana partnered with local authorities to bring 71 victims of trafficking to safety, supporting the arrest of 40 perpetrators and three convictions.

Already in 2021, IJM is seeing positive signs – on January 5, two more perpetrators of trafficking in Ghana were convicted.

Hannah Elliot, IJM UK Northern Irish Director, commented: “It’s amazing to see Oliver’s commitment to protecting children from forced labour and other forms of violence.

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“With the help of people like Oliver, we’re able to make freedom and justice a reality for increasing numbers of children around the world.”

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