There was a time NI people would be on streets over scandals like this legacy one

Paramilitary sniper sign, CraigavonParamilitary sniper sign, Craigavon
Paramilitary sniper sign, Craigavon
I must agree with the two innocent victims’ groups who quite rightly rejected the proposals of the recent legacy consultation.

(They are SEFF and IVU, as mentioned in front page story Victims’ groups: We do not back legacy plans, News Letter, May 13).

No right-thinking person could ever agree with the proposals. When I read their response, it crossed my mind that not only Unionists, but all decent people, must not allow Republicans to define what encompasses victimhood.

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If we forget what terrorists did to our people, it would be a crying shame! There was a time when people would have been on the streets to protest for justice. We have a British government that had said it would omit Northern Ireland security forces from a new bill in Parliament. One of the reasons given is that it would have to exempt terrorists. The dogs in the street know that thanks to Blair and co., they have letters of comfort or Royal pardons. To use this excuse for not including our veterans is pathetic. I think it is merely a concession to Sinn Fein/IRA and the Dublin government.

Not to protect your military from trumped up accusations is a betrayal.

John Mulholland, Doagh

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