No surprise at BBC and Proms — it calls itself ‘British’ but does not represent Britain and its people

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
So the BBC considers it is their right to veto certain pieces of music at the Proms (Ben Lowry: ‘Once again BBC NI decides Rule Britannia will not be played,’ September 15).

No one should be surprised at the actions of this institution.

It calls itself ‘British’ as though by some abstract reasoning it represents Britain and its people when it does no such thing.

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It lives entirely off the people’s money and insists that from next year every family must pay a heavy tax for owning a television, yet it never misses a chance to spit in the faces of the people, as in music at the Proms.

It would not lift a finger to defend Britain or Parliament and the only element of the law it supports is the prosecution of those who don’t pay the licence fee.

The national anthem or any pro British music would be a step to far for this shoddy institution with its ‘let them eat cake‘ agenda.

Wilson Burgess, Londonderry