News Letter editorial was welcome to those of us who oppose abortions

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
A letter from Trevor Douglas:

How welcome is your editorial on Thursday (‘Protests should be allowed outside abortion clinics,’ March 3, see link below) as one of those offering help and support, counselling, financial help through church and charity groups in UK, for two years now with Abolish Abortion NI.

The public are mainly in the dark in relation to the most disturbing and vital subject , for example they are unaware that distraught young women going or taken to these NHS abortion clinics, get little of the services we offer.

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Instead they get one option, abort, doctors seem not to be allowed to give any other option, some on mainland have had employment terminated for offering counselling.

So keen have the trusts seemed to implement these clinics, without commissioning and therefore no funding, that they have proceeded using funds provided for essential medical services. Has this affecting the already stretched treatment waiting lists?

We are nearing the two year marker and 2,500+ babies gone, yet Westminster presses Stormont to fully commission this murderous process targeting one in four pregnancies or 6,500 babies each year.

The millions of pounds required to set up, recruit, train, facilitate and equip has to be paid from our already inadequate health budget, says NI Secretary. No wonder the MLAs don’t want us there highlighting this or helping the women who need it.

Well done The People’s News Letter.

Trevor Douglas, Richhill

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