Letter: The DUP has set up a committee to get around their seven tests to assess the Northern Ireland Protocol deal

US President Joe Biden boards Air Force One in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, yesterday. "I do not want to see him coming to Northern Ireland to celebrate the Belfast Agreement, as that would mean that the DUP would have allowed themselves to be deceived. He said he would not to be coming if Stormont is not up and running" (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)US President Joe Biden boards Air Force One in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, yesterday. "I do not want to see him coming to Northern Ireland to celebrate the Belfast Agreement, as that would mean that the DUP would have allowed themselves to be deceived. He said he would not to be coming if Stormont is not up and running" (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)
US President Joe Biden boards Air Force One in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, yesterday. "I do not want to see him coming to Northern Ireland to celebrate the Belfast Agreement, as that would mean that the DUP would have allowed themselves to be deceived. He said he would not to be coming if Stormont is not up and running" (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)
A letter from John Mulholland:

The forming of a committee to deliberate on the new protocol deal is to me another route for the DUP to use to get around the seven tests that were set out for them to return to Stormont.

The makeup of those on the committee would not fill me with confidence that they will be taking a hard stance against the deception.

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Why this committee? It does not take you to be a lawyer to see that it is the old protocol wrapped in a different sort of paper with maybe a bow tied around it to fool unionists. I get the feeling that Jeffrey Donaldson is under pressure from not only other parties, British government and Eire but the Yanks are no doubt putting pressure on the British and the EU to get a result.

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Letters to editor

Quite frankly, I do not want to see Biden coming to Northern Ireland to celebrate the Belfast Agreement as that would mean that the DUP would have allowed themselves to be deceived as he is said not to be coming if the assembly is not up and running.

I hope none of the DUP MLAs will be pressurised into voting for a deal because the secretary of state has docked some of their pay. It does seem that it is backs to the wall for unionists as there is no middle ground at Stormont when it comes to the protocol.

I think it would be better to go for another election just to see where the land lies when it comes to the new so-called protocol and the fact that we are being ruled by foreigners without our consent.

Then we will see who the real unionists are!

John Mulholland, Doagh