Letter: It's important for politicians to see the necessity of looking after our environment rather than appeasing polluters

A letter from John Mulholland:
Northern Ireland has been experiencing an increase in blue-green algae blooms. The pollution of our rivers and lough, and even beaches, is an outrage, writes John MulhollandNorthern Ireland has been experiencing an increase in blue-green algae blooms. The pollution of our rivers and lough, and even beaches, is an outrage, writes John Mulholland
Northern Ireland has been experiencing an increase in blue-green algae blooms. The pollution of our rivers and lough, and even beaches, is an outrage, writes John Mulholland

​As a unionist, there is very little that I would agree with Alliance on, but I have to support Andrew Muir for reinstating more severe fines - previously reduced by a former minister - for environmental crime and negligence.

The pollution of our rivers and lough that has even reached our beaches is an outrage.

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I do hope the agriculture minister continues to legislate to bring punishment that is appropriate to those who pollute our waterways and destroy our wildlife.

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor

It is concerning to hear some unionists objecting to the proposal.

I do not think they have the support of the majority of the unionist people on this subject.

It is very important for politicians to see the necessity of looking after our environment rather than appeasing the polluters.

This is also important for the future health of our society.

John Mulholland, Doagh