Letter: Discombobulated by Sheridan's statements on the government's Legacy Act

Letters to editorLetters to editor
Letters to editor
A letter from Ken Funston:

According to Peter Sheridan, who is heading up the new legacy body, the government’s Legacy Act may be in breach of human rights legislation (ICRIR must deliver for victims: SEFF, News Letter, November 30).

So, was releasing murderers early from their life sentences, supplying OTR terrorists with “letters of comfort”, replacing the RUC with the PSNI, refusing to investigate and convict terrorists for their past crimes, and equating innocent victims as the same as terrorists, all okay?

Yet he is intimating that the new legislation is unfair in that it is designed to protect soldiers. To say I'm discombobulated is an understatement.

Ken Funston, Armagh

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