Ben Lowry should apologise to Donald Trump and his 70 million voters for using such abusive language against the US president

Letter to the editorLetter to the editor
Letter to the editor
I have read Ben Lowry, a young man still not let us forget, with interest and even admiration in the last few years.

But I cannot approve of such abusive language in his piece about the recent presidential election that we have just witnessed (‘If this is the end of Trump as president then good riddance,’ November 7).

Mr Lowry owes a public apology to President Trump, the President of the United States may I point out, and to the 70 million Americans who voted for him on November 3 2020, the ostensible day of the election.

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Did he not see President Trump’s rallies in Pennsylvania, Florida, Wisconsin etc. in the last two weeks?

Did he not observe the enthusiasm expressed by the huge crowds he continued to draw on those occasions?

President Trump won the support of many times more voters than have ever voted for a single party in Northern Ireland, and we have to respect the expressed will of those voters as well as that of those who voted for the Democrats.

Why should we in England ever respect again a single vote for Ulster Unionists? I am sure that there are many in England who have similar thoughts about the DUP that you now express about President Trump.

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We have a right to expect higher standards in supposedly objective political journalism.

I hope that Mr Lowry has the grace to recognise his error.

Dr Gerald Morgan, Dublin

• Other letters and columns supportive of President Trump below

Letter: Joe Biden is not yet the president of the United States

Letter: Best wishes to President Donald Trump, who made America great again

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