Graffiti on memorial to Jewish soldier '˜a hate crime'

Anti-Semitic  graffiti on the pro-Israel mural in Northumberland St. Pic: Pacemaker.Anti-Semitic  graffiti on the pro-Israel mural in Northumberland St. Pic: Pacemaker.
Anti-Semitic  graffiti on the pro-Israel mural in Northumberland St. Pic: Pacemaker.
Police are treating Nazi graffiti on a memorial a Jewish soldier in Belfast as a hate crime.

Belfast’s Shared City Partnership condemned those who defaced the mural at the junction of Beverley and Northumberland Streets in west Belfast.

Council workers removed the Nazi-slur graffiti from the mural which commemorated a First World War Jewish soldier, Lt Col John Henry Patterson.

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Chair of the Belfast Shared City Partnership, councillor John Kyle, said: “We utterly condemn anti-Semitism. There is no room for hate in Belfast as we strive to improve life for everyone in the city.

“We are also working to promote the city as modern, forward thinking and attractive for investment, as well as ready to welcome people of all cultures. Actions like these cannot be tolerated.”

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