Don't be fooled by a few days of decent weather

Paul Elwood of HVS Animal HealthPaul Elwood of HVS Animal Health
Paul Elwood of HVS Animal Health
Large numbers of cattle will be turned out into fields over the coming days.

Thankfully, the weather has picked up. However, grass swards have been under constant pressure given the horrendous weather of the past eight months.

As a consequence, pasture mineral and vitamin levels are at all-time low levels.

Paul Elwood of HVS Animal Health takes up the story.

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He said: “Weather conditions have been atrocious over the past autumn, winter and now spring. This has led to depleted micro trace mineral levels on pastures.

“All stock going out to grass over the coming weeks will benefit greatly if they are drenched with HVS Liquid Gold Cattle now, so providing essential micro trace minerals and vitamins, to ensure their full requirements are provided for, during the grazing season.”

He added: “Young beef cattle and dairy stock have tremendous capacity to grow-on, once they are put out to grass: the challenge is that of making sure that all of this potential is realised.”

Paul confirmed the results of extensive trials carried out with young stock drenched with HVS Liquid Gold Cattle prior to turn out. They confirm that additional live weight gains of 9.9 kilos per head can be achieved after just 54 days at grass.

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He added: “The difference amounted to an extra 20.4 kilos per head after 104 days. This gain in performance is worth an extra £30 per treated animal. So it is more than significant.”

For trace elements to be available to stock, they must be of high quality and must link up with one or more amino acids or peptides in the rumen, prior to being absorbed through the gut wall into the blood stream. Stock are not ideally equipped to effect this “link up” and a significant proportion of trace elements and vitamins supplied in conventional form, pass straight through the body and are excreted.

Paul continued: “Our HVS Liquid Gold Cattle supplies all the micro minerals and essential vitamins required by stock in a highly available form to help address the short fall of micro minerals in grazing swards.

“The products represent the next generation in chelated mineral and vitamin drenches.”

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Paul added that farmers must seek to maximise the performance of their livestock.

“The HVS Liquid Gold range has been developed to meet this specific requirement. The reality is that an animal can only perform to the level of the greatest deficiency or imbalance in its diet. All forage based diets can contain major mineral imbalances and consequently most stock never achieve their genetic potential in terms of growth, fertility, development of immunity etc.”

HVS Liquid Gold Cattle supplies the micro trace minerals of iron, copper, zinc and manganese in a 100% chelated form.

It also contains nucleotides, which act to increase red blood cell numbers, a key factor in determining animals’ ability to grow. Liquid Gold Cattle acts to ensure that young stock, breeding and finishing cattle at grass, are not restricted in terms of meeting their full growth potential.

For further information, contact HVS Animal Health on (028) 4483 1700.