Man ‘head-butted partner’ after she confronted him about pornography, court told

Laganside court complex in Belfast city centre.Laganside court complex in Belfast city centre.
Laganside court complex in Belfast city centre.
A man allegedly head-butted his partner after she confronted him about suspected pornography, the High Court heard on Monday.

Anthony Robinson, 33, is also accused of punching and throttling the woman.

Robinson, of Donaghadee Road in Newtownards, Co Down, faces charges of assault occasioning actual bodily harm and criminal damage to a door.

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During a bail application it was claimed that he became violent after they had been drinking together on March 13 this year.

According to the prosecution Robinson went to bed, leaving his mobile phone on the living room sofa. “The complainant went through the phone and found some material which she stated seemed to be of a pornographic nature,” a Crown lawyer said.

The court heard she confronted him before going to another bedroom due to her fear at his reaction.

“The applicant came into the bedroom and proceeded to head-butt her on the nose and mouth,” the prosecutor alleged. “He then put his hands around her neck and squeezed for approximately ten seconds.”

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Robinson is accused of continuing the assault by punching her in the eye before striking out at the bedroom door. He is also charged with possessing Class B drugs.

Mr Justice Larkin was told t he was taken to the Ulster Hospital for treatment to his hand. “Asked by a nurse how he sustained the injury, he said that he had hit someone,” prosecution counsel added.

Defence barrister Conan Rea indicated some level of culpability may ultimately be accepted. Robinson was granted bail to an approved address on strict condition that he has no contact with the woman.