‘Loss of our Fionntán devastating’ says family as PSNI hold man on suspicion of murdering the 18-year-old

Scanning the QR code above will take you to the PSNI’s dedicated webpage dealing with the murder.Scanning the QR code above will take you to the PSNI’s dedicated webpage dealing with the murder.
Scanning the QR code above will take you to the PSNI’s dedicated webpage dealing with the murder.
The family of an 18-year-old man injured in a street assault just after Christmas has issued a statement after he died in hospital.

The family of Fionntán McGarvey released this via the PSNI press office this evening:

“We are devastated to lose our beautiful son Fionntán but take comfort that his wish to donate his organs will provide other families with hope at our time of deep loss.

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“The family is grateful for the many messages of sympathy and support we have received.

“We would ask for privacy at this most difficult time.”

Mr died in hospital this morning following an incident 24 days earlier in the Finaghy Road North area of south Belfast.

A 21-year-old male was arrested this morning on suspicion of murder and is currently being questioned.

Detective Chief Inspector Raymond Phelan said: “We believe that Fionntán was assaulted outside licensed premises around 1am on Monday December 27.

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“Police attended and Fionntán was brought to hospital for treatment to his injuries.

“Tragically, despite treatment, he died this morning.

“I know there was a large number of people in the area at the time and I am appealing to anyone who may have witnessed the assault, or have any information to come forward.

“I am also appealing to anyone with mobile phone or dash-cam footage that could help with enquiries to contact police on 101 quoting reference 184 of 27/12/21.

“Any footage can be uploaded onto the Major Incident Public Portal at: at: https://mipp.police.uk/operation/PSNI22R01-PO1

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“A report can also be submitted online using the non-emergency reporting form via http://www.psni.police.uk/makeareport/. You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at http://crimestoppers-uk.org/.”

Scanning the QR code above will take you to the PSNI’s dedicated webpage dealing with the murder.

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