‘Killer 5G’ vandalism targeting pro-NHS banners and a church is slammed

Images of the graffitiImages of the graffiti
Images of the graffiti
An outpouring of scorn and condemnation has been levelled at whoever was responsible for defacing banners in support of the NHS in the loyalist Shankill area of west Belfast.

Images circulated online of two banners – one put up by Unite the Union, the other on behalf of the residents of Battenberg Street – with black spraypaint daubed on them.

There was also similar graffiti on the walls of the Welcome Evangelical Church and on various other walls around the Shankill.

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In all cases, the black graffiti said “5G kills” – a reference to an underground theory which says that the new 5G mobile phone network being built across the UK kills people.

Some individuals have claimed that 5G increases the risks of coronavirus, specifically.

Similar theories had also existed in years gone by concerning the 3G and 4G technology which preceded 5G.

These theories lack scientific or political support, but have sparked a wave of vandalism across the UK.

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Nicola Verner, Belfast High Sheriff and DUP councillor, who hails from the Shankill, told the News Letter: “For me, vandalism in our communities is unacceptable at any time – it’s wrong to deface our own areas and communities.

“But particularly when directed at the side of a church and NHS banners, I think that’s particularly wrong.

“Freedom of speech and all that; people can voice their opinions in many ways.

“But vandalism shouldn’t be one of them.”

William Humphrey, DUP MLA for the area, said: “This is not just wanton destruction, but criminal activity.

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“I was in touch with pastor Jonathan Clarke [of Welcome church]...

“Anyone with any information which may assist the police in apprehending those responsible, should pass it on to the police at Tennent Street station.”

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