INLA gun tribute: Man detained by police under Terrorism Act

An image of the gunmenAn image of the gunmen
An image of the gunmen
A 30-year-old man has been arrested under the Terrorism Act after shots were fired at a republican mural in Londonderry last week.

Detectives investigating the incident at a commemoration in the Fern Park area of Galliagh in Derry on August 20 carried out searches at a house in the area on Saturday night.

Detective Inspector McKenna said: “A number of items were seized and a 30-year-old man was arrested under the Terrorism Act.

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“He has been taken to the Serious Crime Suite at Musgrave police station for questioning.”

Footage that circulated widely on social media showed two masked men firing shots in front of a mural of INLA hunger striker Michael Devine in Galliagh.

The incident was heavily criticised by the unionist community, which called for a full investigation.