‘Evil and depraved’: razor blades left sticking out of tree in public park

An image of the blades shared by Mr EastonAn image of the blades shared by Mr Easton
An image of the blades shared by Mr Easton
One of the DUP’s North Down MLAs has hit out in strong terms at whoever was responsible for embedding razor blades in a tree trunk in a Bangor park.

The park, just to the south of the town centre, is a popular spot for the general public, and is managed by Ards and North Down Borough Council, which has offices in the vicinity.

DUP man Alex Easton said the blades had been brought to his attention by Facebook, and that he had contacted police.

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The PSNI said: “Police have been made aware of the discovery of a number of razor blades and glass embedded in a tree stump in Bangor’s Castle Park.

“It is believed the items were discovered on Friday (4 June).

“Inspector Raymond Shaw said: “Our enquiries are ongoing. We will be liaising with local contacts, including Ards and North Down Borough Council.

“In the meantime, I am asking everyone – dog walkers and families – to be vigilant.

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“I would also appeal to anyone with information to contact us on 101.”

Mr Easton said: “This is truly shocking that some twisted, depraved, evil individual would go out of their way to embed razor blades onto a tree stump in Castle Park in Bangor.

“This park is beside the Town Hall and is used by adults and children for walks, keeping fit and exercising their pets.

“A child playing could have been seriously injured, as well as a beloved pet.

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“The individual responsible must have known the consequences of their actions and must have done this deliberately.

“This sick individual needs caught and brought before the courts before they hurt someone by their evil actions, they should be ashamed of themselves.”

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