Plenty to look forward too for NW Derry members

NW Derry Group members at NC EngineeringNW Derry Group members at NC Engineering
NW Derry Group members at NC Engineering
The NW Derry UFU group members have had a very busy winter programme so far.

October saw a good turnout of members attend the ‘Walk the Line’ events held at both WD Meats and Foyle Meats.

This event was closely followed by an Arable trip in December to NC Engineering and a farm walk at John and Simon Best’s Farm. Both events were a great success and enjoyed by all those who attended.

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2018 has no sign of slowing down either, with a busy few months coming up. The UFU Winter Roadshow will take place on Monday, January 22, at 8pm and the NW Group AGM will be 12th February, both in the Roe Park Hotel, Limavady. Plans are underway to have a trip up to the Kingspan stadium to watch Ulster play Glasgow Warriors on 2nd March 2018. There will be a bus leaving Limavady at 3.30pm. Contact the office (028 7776 2996) to book your place.

At the end of September the group said good-bye to Stacey Cherry. Stacey has moved to the South Londonderry Group and colleagues, office staff and members wish her all the best in her new role.

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