This is our chance to showcase Northern Ireland to the world: Lyons

Pictured at the Northern Ireland Showcase at the ICC, Belfast, are Mel Chittock, Invest NI Interim CEO, Economy Minister Gordon Lyons, Karen Patterson, Northern Ireland Showcase 2022 host and Con Gallagher, global sales manager, KivercoPictured at the Northern Ireland Showcase at the ICC, Belfast, are Mel Chittock, Invest NI Interim CEO, Economy Minister Gordon Lyons, Karen Patterson, Northern Ireland Showcase 2022 host and Con Gallagher, global sales manager, Kiverco
Pictured at the Northern Ireland Showcase at the ICC, Belfast, are Mel Chittock, Invest NI Interim CEO, Economy Minister Gordon Lyons, Karen Patterson, Northern Ireland Showcase 2022 host and Con Gallagher, global sales manager, Kiverco
Economy Minister Gordon Lyons has today opened the Northern Ireland Showcase in Belfast.

The Showcase – which is being attended by businesses and stakeholders – takes place in the International Conference Centre, Belfast, as well as being streamed for international audiences to watch.

The Minister asked Invest NI to deliver the showcase event to share his ambition – through the 10X Economic Vision – to transform Northern Ireland into one of the world’s leading small economies.

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The Minister said: “It is important to recognise all the opportunities we have to rebuild and expand Northern Ireland’s economy by focussing on our strengths.”

The event underlines how the business community rose to the challenge laid down by the pandemic with drive and innovation. It is also highlighting why international companies continue to find Northern Ireland an attractive place to grow their business and how local companies are building on their global export success.

The Minister went on to say: “Northern Ireland is second only to London as the most attractive location for Foreign Direct Investment in the UK, which has helped establish us as a global leader in areas such as cybersecurity, fintech and advanced manufacturing.

“We are moving into a decade of economic transformation around our 10X Economic Vision. An era that will be defined by the application of technology, data and innovation to enhance our lives and protect our environment. We must be ready. That is why the three pillars of innovation, inclusion and sustainability underpin the 10X Economic Vision.”

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The Minister said he had been impressed by the resilience and adaptability of local businesses over the past two years, during what has been an incredibly challenging time for many.

Mel Chittock, Interim CEO of Invest NI, explained: “Whilst it’s no secret that the pandemic has had an impact, I am incredibly proud of the resilience that our business community has shown throughout.

“Today, Northern Ireland is a place of innovation, incredible talent and creativity. This showcase is a great way to increase exposure for businesses here, both locally and to a global audience.

“We will hear from a range of local and international speakers who will really showcase our expertise in a number of areas including the green economy, big data, attracting FDI and our success at growing exports. This showcase is just one way we are continuing to work in partnership with government, stakeholders and industry to boost Northern Ireland’s reputation globally.”

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The Showcase includes panel discussions with Northern Ireland’s business leaders.

Steven Murtland, CFO of multi-award-winning regulatory solutions firm FinTrU, will participate in the Coming to Northern Ireland panel session.

He added: “Since setting up here in 2014, we have created a hugely successful operation which has been driven by the exceptional talent we have recruited here. I am excited to participate in today’s event where I will engage the audience on why FinTrU chose Northern Ireland, why we chose to expand our presence into the North West, and will speak about our longstanding partnership with Northern Ireland.”

Participating on the Go Further, Grow Stronger exporting panel, Con Gallagher from Dungannon-based manufacturing firm Kiverco, concluded: “We have been building recycling plants for over 25 years and our product design has evolved with changes in the marketplace. This innovation has led us to have a globally competitive edge which has helped us to grow our exports exponentially, particularly in the UAE market. We will discuss our successes, how we have overcome the challenges and how Invest NI has supported our growth over the years, which is now paying off as we secure new business globally.”

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