Does Sinn Fein care about the fact parts of NI are unionist-free?

The letter-writer said there are no SF complaints about the lack of unionist representation in West Belfast, Gerry Adams former constituency, which has not had a unionist MLA at all since 2007The letter-writer said there are no SF complaints about the lack of unionist representation in West Belfast, Gerry Adams former constituency, which has not had a unionist MLA at all since 2007
The letter-writer said there are no SF complaints about the lack of unionist representation in West Belfast, Gerry Adams former constituency, which has not had a unionist MLA at all since 2007
It was interesting to note that in response to the planned ‘constituency shake-up’ appeal, in the name of an anonymous voter, recently heard in the High Court, Sinn Fein in turn criticised any proposed changes which they claimed would leave a number of constituencies without any nationalist representation.

(Plans to redraw NI’s electoral constituencies deemed ‘unfair’, News Letter, May 28)

The unionist electorate within the constituency of West Belfast has been in the same unrepresentative situation since 1966 due to previous boundary changes, made even more so in another unprecedented move by Boundary Commission during 2010.

William Spence, Belfast BT13

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