Donald Trump's autumn visit to Ireland in doubt

Leo Varadkar and Donald TrumpLeo Varadkar and Donald Trump
Leo Varadkar and Donald Trump
US President Donald Trump's visit to Ireland this autumn has been cast into doubt.

It is understood State Department officials in Washington are conducting a review of his entire European trip in November.

He was due to hold a two-day visit to Ireland during which he was expected to visit his golf course in Doonbeg, Co Clare, and Dublin around the weekend of November 10-11.

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It is understood officials in Dublin are awaiting word on whether the review will impact on the Irish leg of President Trump's itinerary.

The White House announced on August 31 that Mr Trump will travel to Paris for a commemoration of the centenary of the Armistice which ended the fighting in the First World War.

His visit to Ireland was due to coincide.

Irish Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has previously said news of the visit came a little bit out of the blue.

Irish activists had pledged to hold protests.

The US president was originally invited to Ireland by former Taoiseach Enda Kenny on his final St Patrick's Day visit to the White House.

An Irish Government spokesman said: "I can confirm that the proposed visit of the US President is postponed. The US side has cited scheduling reasons."