Belfast Trump protest organised for Saturday

Donald TrumpDonald Trump
Donald Trump
A protest against Donald Trump's controversial immigration policies has been organised by the Stop the War Coalition for Belfast City Hall on Saturday.

In a statement, the Stop the War Coalition Belfast group said:Prominent Trade Unionists, anti war activists, human rights lawyers, Muslims and others will gather at Belfast City Hall on Saturday 4 February 2017 at 2pm to take part in a protest against US President Donald Trump’s controversial ‘Muslim/ refugee ban’.”

The protest follows news that Northern’s Ireland’s former first and deputy first ministers, Arlene Foster and Martin McGuinness, issued an official invite to Donald Trump to visit Northern Ireland following his victory in the Presidential elections in November.

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The letter dated 9 November 2016, assured Mr Trump that he would be “warmly welcomed” if he were to visit Northern Ireland.

The organisers of the rally say that they hope that Saturday’s protest will “send out a clear message that Donald Trump is as unwelcome in Northern Ireland as he is elsewhere.”

The Stop the War Coalition Belfast group say their protest has the endorsement of the Northern Ireland Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unionists.

Speakers will include: Patricia McKeown, NIC-ICTU; Raied Al-Wazzan, Belfast Islamic Centre; Mojgan Esmaily, Iranian/British national living in Belfast; Makhosi Sigabad, Refugees Welcome NI and Housing 4 All; Barbara Muldoon, human rights and immigration lawyer; Jennie Carlsten, US citizen and activist; and Sara Boyce, West Against Racism Network